From £15.50
We have broken down below for you how the mix is made up.
Latin Name | English Name | Mix Composition |
Achillea millefolium | Yarrow | 3% |
Agrimonia eupatoria | Common Agrimony | 4% |
Alliaria petiolata | Garlic Mustard | 7% |
Centaurea nigra | Common Knapweed | 6% |
Digitalis purpurea | Wild Foxglove | 3% |
Filipendula ulmaria | Meadowsweet | 4% |
Galium mollugo | Hedge Bedstraw | 4% |
Geranium pyrenaicum | Hedgerow Cranesbill | 1% |
Geum urbanum | Wood Avens | 5% |
Hypericum perforatum | Common St. John’s Wort | 2% |
Knautia arvensis | Field Scabious | 4% |
Lathyrus pratensis | Meadow Vetchling | 3% |
Leontodon autumnalis | Autumn Hawkbit | 2% |
Leucanthemum vulgare | Oxeye Daisy | 5% |
Malva moschata | Musk Mallow | 5% |
Malva sylvestris | Common Mallow | 4% |
Prunella vulgaris | Self Heal | 5% |
Silene alba | White Campion | 5% |
Silene dioica | Red Campion | 7% |
Silene vulgaris | Bladder Campion | 2% |
Stachys sylvatica | Hedge Woundwort | 6% |
Torilis japonica | Upright Hedge Parsley | 4% |
Verbascum nigrum | Dark Mullein | 3% |
Vicia cracca | Tufted Vetch | 5% |
Vicia sylvatica | Wood Vetch | 1% |
25 Wildflower species | 100% |
Weight | N/A |
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