This particular pack is also valuable for the Small White butterfly.
These special packs, chosen by Joel to be the most valuable plants for this species of butterfly, will contain a mix of the following plants available in 3, 5 or 7 quantity packs - each in 9cm pots.
Lesser Knapweed, Greater Knapweed, Garlic Mustard, Red Campion, Wallflower, Sainfoin, Oxeye Daisy, Marjoram, Hyssop
Our nursery team will choose the best available selection of species at the time of packing your order. If you are keen to have a particular species included in your pack from the list, please let us know in the order comments and our nursery team will do their best to include this in your pack wherever possible.
For more information on these individual species, please see our overview tab further down.
From £14.95
For a little more information on each of Joel’s recommended species:
Lesser Knapweed
Common, Black or Lesser Knapweed, Thistle-like purple flowers, looks good with ox-eye daisies.
Greater Knapweed
A lovely plant with large, raggy, purple flowers, looks good with scabious, ox-eye daisy and musk mallow. Flowering for weeks on end in high summer and on into autumn. Not only attractive to butterflies, bees and insects but finches will make the most of the seed heads when the flowers have finally finished.
Garlic Mustard
A hedgerow plant with white flowers, a food plant for the Orange Tip butterfly larvae. Also called Hedge Garlic, Garlic mustard is one of the oldest spices used in Europe. Today, the chopped leaves are used for flavouring in salads and sauces such as pesto, and sometimes the flowers and fruit are included as well. These are best when young, taste of both garlic and mustard.
Red Campion
Can also be known as Red Catchfly, a plant which can grow to around 1m tall, red campion fills woodlands and roadside verges with a warming dash of pink colour during the spring and summer. A lovely specimen to also brighten hedgerows, meadows and shady spots in the garden. Bright rose-pink flower
Flowers fragrant, usually yellow, orange or brick red. Will colonise old walls. Was known as Cheiranthus Cheiri. This is a popular ornamental plant, widely cultivated for its abundant, fragrant flowers in spring.
A bushy meadow plant with cone-shaped spikes. Aromatic perennial with masses dark purple buds turning to paler flowers A good butterfly plant. A butterfly much loved by Churchill but now considered extinct in the UK, the Black Veined White is pictured in the gallery images. There have been reports that the change in climate may now encourage these butterflies to the UK again. Here’s hoping!
Oxeye Daisy
Also known as the Dog Daisy. Often seen in meadows and on roadsides. A well known wild flower with lovely, large, white daisy flowers. Also known as the Dog Daisy. Often seen in meadows and on roadsides.
Aromatic perennial with masses of dark purple buds turning to paler flowers, a good butterfly plant. This small white or purple-flowered perennial is commonly called oregano.
Blue flowers on a small shrub, lovely bee plant. Due to its purported properties as an antiseptic and cough reliever, it has been used in traditional herbal medicine.
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