Hop ‘Humulus lupulus’ – Support the Comma Butterfly – 2 Litre Pot

Joel recommends Hop as it creates a dense habitat and refuge for a variety of birds and insects.  Flowers from this plant also provide a source of nectar for insects. Hop is also the larval food plant for the comma butterfly! This plant comes in a 2 litre pot.


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Male and female on different plants, female becoming the cones which are used to bitter beer.  Scrambles through hedges. Climber reaching 450 cm.

Flowers July-August.

It is a dioecious, perennial, herbaceous climbing plant which sends up new shoots in early spring and dies back to a cold-hardy rhizome in autumn.  These shoots allow the plant to grow anywhere from 4.6 to 6.1 metres (15 to 20 ft). Hops have fragrant, wind-pollinated flowers that attract butterflies.

The female cone shaped fruits from the plant are used by breweries to preserve and flavour beer and so the plant is widely cultivated for use by the brewing industry. The fragrant flower cones, known as hops, impart a bitter flavour and also have aromatic and preservative qualities.

The Plant can grow to be 10 metres tall and because it is a perennial herbaceous plant, it goes through several growing seasons sometimes living up to 20 years.

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